• Clear Filters
Geoff Roberts
| 3 min. read
Manage recurring lease transactions in split-screen view
Buildium is proud to announce a feature enhancement that lets you view and edit recurring lease transactions with fewer clicks. We’ve also introduced the Tasks Performance report, a new feature that displays the details about tasks owned by...
Loretta Morgan
| 4 min. read
Are locked-out tenants keeping you up at night?
It’s 11:30 p.m., and the phone has jarred me from the deepest sleep I’ve had all week. If you’re a property manager like me, you know it’s one of three things: a wrong number (grrrr), a family emergency,...
Jo-Anne Oliveri
| 3 min. read
Win more clients with customized marketing plans for rental properties
Property managers wear many hats, and one they doff everyday is the marketing cap. Today’s savvy property investors won’t settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing their properties. They know the key to making more money is a...
Sandy Glover
| 4 min. read
6 ways to prevent personal injury lawsuits on your property
Let’s face it, we live in a litigious society. One of the most common lawsuits is the personal injury or “Slip and Fall” suit. As a property manager you have a duty to keep your property safe for...
Jim Gallant
| 1 min. read
10 questions to ask when shopping for property management software
When you’re in the market for a new car, the shopping list is simple. Fuel efficiency? Check. Room for the whole family? Check. Fire-engine red paint job? Um, better check. If only shopping for property management software were...
Sandy Glover
| 3 min. read
A property manager’s guide to information security
Property managers have a responsibility to protect tenants' information from security breaches. Here are a few tips to prevent that type of loss.
Craig Garrow
| 4 min. read
Best tips for investing in foreclosures for rentals
Learn how pre-foreclosures and foreclosures can be a great source of rental property -- assuming you follow these tips and tricks.
Jo-Anne Oliveri
| 3 min. read
Winning more business from property owners
Your agency’s average number of days to rent a vacant property could win you more clients.

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