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Laurie Mega
| 6 min. read
The pros and cons of a property management franchise
If you’re considering starting your own property management company, you may be tempted to look into property management franchises. They are certainly an easy way to get your foot in the door. When you buy into a property...
Laurie Mega
| 21 min. read
How to start a property management company the right way
Read through this guide of what you’ll need to do before you open your business’s doors to owners and residents. The guide provides a comprehensive list of what you’ll need to get started.
Jason Van Steenwyk
| 9 min. read
Fire insurance 101: What landlords & property managers need to know
Residential fires are costly and can happen anywhere, at any time. In 2022, the most recent statistics the U.S. Fire Association has, there were almost 374,300 residential fires resulting in over $10 billion in losses, and 129,500 non-residential...
Amanda Maher
| 10 min. read
Your pipes froze—now what? Read this 10-step guide ASAP.
You wake up one chilly morning and head into the bathroom. But when you turn on the tap, you get a sputter and then nothing. No water comes out. You get that sinking feeling in your stomach when...
Amanda Maher
| 8 min. read
15 HOA landscape maintenance tips to enhance your community’s curb appeal
Prospective buyers love walking into a beautifully renovated home—but it’s tough to get people in the door to see stunning interior improvements if they’re turned off by what they see outside. That’s why community associations should never underestimate...
Laurie Mega
| 6 min. read
6 steps to airtight tracking for HOA violations
When a resident moves into an HOA or community association, they agree to follow a certain set of rules created by the board of directors. Those rules can cover anything from noise restrictions to the types of flowers...
Amanda Maher
| 7 min. read
8 tips for writing click-worthy Craigslist rental listings
Love it or hate it, Craigslist remains one of the go-to websites for people looking for apartments to rent. Some property managers and landlords shy away from putting their rental listings on Craigslist, which is understandable. The platform...
Laurie Mega
| 8 min. read
The Ultimate Guide to Rental Inspection Checklists
Doing a thorough inspection is more than just checking for damage from time to time. It’s about keeping your properties fresh and up to date for incoming residents, making sure infrastructure and other repairs are done, and ensuring...

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