Robin Young |

Opportunities for Property Managers in Rental Owners’ Shifting Needs

Download our latest report, Opportunities for Property Managers in Renters’ Evolving Preferences, and get an exclusive look into what renters want from their property and their property manager.

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Small-portfolio rental owners have seen a steep rise in the complexity and expense of operating their rental properties in the past few years.

And now, they’re turning to property managers to help them navigate an environment with greater legal and financial risk.

Our research shows that…

Opportunities for Property Managers in Rental Owners' Shifting Needs

Where else do they need your help? Get our latest report, Opportunities for Property Managers in Rental Owners’ Shifting Needs, and find out.

Simply fill out the form with your information to download your free copy of the report. You can also listen to the report here:

Robin Young

Senior Researcher

135 Posts

As Buildium’s Senior Researcher, Robin leverages her background in social science research and interest in real estate economics to identify trends in the rental market. She combines intensive market research with insights gleaned from surveys of property managers, renters, and rental owners to examine topics like shifting renter demographics, the housing affordability crisis, and the transformation of property management during the pandemic. She's best known as the author of the annual State of the Property Management Industry Report.

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